Keywords in JAVA

Java Language Keywords

Below are all the keywords that are used in JAVA. Although const and goto are not used they are reserved.

abstract continue for new switch
assert*** default goto* package synchronized
boolean do if private this
break double implements protected throw
byte else import public throws
case enum**** instanceof return transient
catch extends int short try
char final interface static void
class finally long strictfp** volatile
const* float native super while

Java TV technology for digital television receivers is based on the Java™ platform,
which consists of the Java virtual machine (JVM™) and several reusable libraries of code in the Java programming language. The Java TV API is a standard extension to the Java platform and provides reusable, television-specific libraries.

Now java has become an indispensable program in our lives, since it is used to program a great variety of home appliances
The JVM resides on the digital television receiver and executes Java code there. It has been designed to ensure secure execution of code. Byte-code verification guarantees the validity of instructions executed by the JVM. Class loading mechanisms enforce how code is loaded into the machine, and can provide assurance about the code’s source.
The PersonalJava™ application environment has been optimized to work on resource-constrained consumer electronics devices, such as digital television receivers. Features not required in the Java platform for these devices have been
removed in the PersonalJava application environment.
This environment provides much of the functionality needed by Java applications and applets, such as a user interface toolkit, input and output, networking, internationalization, security, and class loading. However, the PersonalJava environment does not include television-specific functionality — that is provided by the Java TV API.
The Java libraries resident on a digital television receiver consist of a set of core class libraries from the Java platform, optional libraries that may be included based on a specific implementation’s requirements, and the Java TV API. The class libraries contain functionality that can be used by all Java applications and applets, so they can remain smaller and easier for software developers to write.


* not used

** added in 1.2
*** added in 1.4
****added in 5.0
For further reading follow the link below….
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